Friday, October 7, 2011


So I think I've finally settled in as a 'college student'...ha. The work load is DEFINITELY a ton more than traditional high school, and now that I've found a steady's not much better XD. So far I've written two 6 page essays (one being a research paper) and 2 'grammar collections' which include 4 different analyses of 4 different examples of rhetorical skills. -.- A butt load I know, at least math is pretty easy for me still, and Chinese is ok, memorizing characters can be a butt, but so far I'm managing pretty well. :) Well time for class!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

BEST book EVER!!!!!!

Oh my gosh! Every time I finish a book I feel so...empty and yet so fulfilled. Well with this book I have to say I am feeling SOOOOO empty!! I absolutely LOVED this book! And the worst part is, is that I KNOW it's not over! BUT I have to wait until next May to find out how the story progresses! :( And then after I finish that I know I'll have to wait again to find out how it ends! I'm sure by now you're wondering what book it is exactly that I'm talking about huh? Hehe well it's called 'Divergent' by Veronica Roth. I TOTALLY and WHOLEHEARTEDLY recommend this book to ANYONE!! It's sooo freakin good! It kept me turning page after page, only stopping for school and sleep. If you liked the 'Hunger Games''ll love this series too!! :D

Friday, September 16, 2011

19th BIRTHDAY!!!!!

YUP it's now official!! I'm 19 years old!! Almost been on this Earth for 2 decades ha! XD I have to say though, birthdays seemed to be a bigger deal when we were younger, now that we're OLD not so much lol. We used to do so much for our long awaited bdays that only came once a they feel like any other least mine do :P But still it's nice to get a cake with your name, presents, and plenty of birthday attention ;D

Monday, September 12, 2011

Settling In....(freaked out)

Well it's like the 4th week of college now?..For me at least :P Things are finally settling in, and I'm starting to get into that 'groove' of things. One thing that really freaks me out right now, is anticipating having to write those 'college' essays...I've never been one who really like 'grammatical essays', I'm fine with writing, but when you tell me I have to follow certain guidelines and formatting and all that stuff I just blank. I've always detested grammar and everything associated with it...and yet I'm in WRTG 2010 (basically honors). Hm...I wonder how smart of a decision that was..but then again if I took WRTG 1210 I'd still eventually have to take 2010, so why not get it over with to start? Right?...Right. My favorite class by far is my Asian Civ 1210 class, it's just like my Humanities class last year, but focused on Asia :). All the class is, is lecturing + notes, with essays for midterms and finals...which again get me uncomfortable, but I'll manage somehow...I think I'll be going to this placed called the 'Writing Center' multiple times this semest XD.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Okay, so who's ready for college?? I know I am!!! ^.^ I have to say it's gonna be weird going to classes in different buildings, and in different rooms. Ha. The classrooms looked so different from high school + it's a completely foreign environment! Well, I guess I'll get used to it after the first week least that's what I'm hoping....all I can say is that I hope I can meet a ton of people, and make lots of new friends, to add to my pool of already awesome friends...with very few exceptions. (these exceptions would not be considered my friends...ha)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Work....Happy or Sad??

*Sigh* Got off work early again today, most days I don't really mind, but when I get off six hours early I get kinda bugged...why?? Because EVERY time I work I get off early, and today I was actually looking forward to working all day, but no I worked three hours, then went home...-.- And I actually got pumped up to work too...gah I guess that's just my like.

Only good thing is that now I won't be crouching, standing, and walking all day. Being a LONG time dancer, my joints are already crappy, but all that bending and everything my knee + ankle were starting to give way DX....Nonetheless it doesn't deter me from wanting to dance haha! Guess it's just something I was born with...or maybe it was trained into me...nah that implies that dancing is working...which I guess in a sense it is, but it's work that I love! ;)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

All about the S.W.A.G.!

Oh my heck! I love partying all day with people I love!! ^.^

Got ready for school. Swag.
Just ate a granola bar. Swag.
Bahaha oh man, haven't laughed like that in sooooo long!!

So there's about two weeks left before college starts, I'm way excited to get started on new classes and to see how the college environment is, but I don't know how excited I will be having to not know anyone in ANY of my classes...maybe I'll have/get a special surprise and know someone in one of my classes!! *hopeful*

Anyways I have had the urge to dance ALL day, not just like party dance, like LEGIT dance. I'm talking full on warm-up, technique, combos, all that good stuff that'll leave you so sore the next day. I feel soooo outta shape, and it SUCKS! I wish I was still on DC...sad to say, but man I miss those summer practices now :(, but I ain't missing those early mornings haha!

This is gonna be an amazing rest of the year! I can just tell already!! Things are going great, everything that needed settling is settled, and new adventures are about to begin!!

The sky is the limit!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The road to the Future*

Only about a month left until college classes start! O.O Way nervous/excited, but kinda bummed that I won't be seeing everyone probly as often as what I would like :/. I think I've pretty much got my schedule figured out though...hopefully anyways haha, but so far, I'm pretty excited to go to class, and to have a much shorter schedule ^.^

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

*sigh*..the life of a teen

How many ups && downs can one teen go through? That answer is apparently infinite, neither is there a set number of times in a day...:/ but hey I'm sure everyone loves stress, drama, emotions going hay-wire, slaps to the face (figuratively speaking), & whatever else happens to be thrown at you right?..WRONG!! I would give almost anything to avoid stuff like that, but somehow it always finds a way to weave itself into our lives, like a stealthy EVIL ninja...haha but everyone knows that I'm the most awesomest ninja out there ;P. But any-whoo all downs have to change direction eventually right?...RIGHT! :) As the wise people say, we wouldn't know the values of our ups without our downs. So in the meantime everyone else out there having a rough time, hang in there the rough times will pass :).

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Haha wow!! That was a fun day, first time watching a super bowl game....and it was GREAT!! I've decided that I like watching football, it's actually a lot of fun! XD
*sigh* I guess I've conformed like every other super bowl watching addict haha I'm a fan of the super bowl! :P

That is all.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

What's Next?

What's next? Well that answer is a lot!
This week alone I get to start my hip-hop dance, and choreograph my Sterling Scholar solo, which is next week by the way.
There's always school work to be done and practices for everything that I'm involved in -.-' lol
But no worries there's always fun planned in here and there, like last night we had a sports night, and although I was the only girl there it was still enjoyable. =P
And I know of one day that will be fun this month...hehe I'm sure it won't be hard to guess what day and why. ;P
You all should plan something fun too! There's only one day in the whole year specifically for something like this :P

Monday, January 31, 2011

New Year Follow-Up

Well...the first month of this new year is now O.V.E.R. What have you guys all done?? Me..well, not too much, stressing over college now more than ever! O.O But I did manage to get one scholarship under my belt, with the Sterling Scholar Region interview coming up. O.O' I don't know whether I want to move on through Region or not...I mean it'd be sooo much work, and I think it'd be nice to just sit back and relax or a little bit. has been alright, it's not too bad. So far the school work isn't too overwhelming. But this last week, it was so much fun, because I was the buddy of a Taiwan foreign exchange student, Bella Hse. She's sooo dang cute, she's 16, and way fun! It was so much fun getting to know her. This last Saturday we played basketball with her and her other classmates that came with her, then later that day I went a Spontaneous Stomp ^.^
So my life so far into this new year has been pretty good! This year is going to be such a BIG one! I mean it's my last year in high school, it'll be my first year in college, and I'm sure there are a TON of surprises waiting for me! ^.^