Monday, September 3, 2012



I have finally succeeded in NOT procrastinating until the very end!!! Hehe...Just finished my online class....two days early! TWO!! Lol Might not seem like that much of a feat, but to me it means a means that my goal of becoming a highly successful college student this year is getting off to a grrrrrreat start! ^.^ *Happy Asian!!* a bittersweet time. It sucks the social life right outta me....actually no, that's work that does that! haha ;) School I actually kinda like being one of those 'study every waking moment' people....but then again I guess it does take a lot of my time away from other 'fun' stuff I could be doing. *Sigh* Growing up just isn't all it's cracked up to be....I miss being high school when I didn't have to worry about school work....back when I had absolutely nothing to do after school, when I could hang out with whomever I wanted to....*ponder* Yeah...I definitely miss those days.

Hope all your guys' days are going smoothly and you guys are having some fun here and there :).