I will be one of the first to admit that I often take so many things for granted. Just like now, my brother interrupted my typing of this post to offer me some sourdough bread....random but I will happily accept any kind of munchie that comes my way! ^^ hehe
Today has just been one of those days that started out like any other ordinary day, but as the day passed on my mood just became lighter and lighter. It's like when you are just happy for no specific reason, and you decide to have a solo dance party in your car driving home. It's moments like these that I remember that I have so much to be thankful for in life, and that honestly yes, even though I could ask for so much more, I am perfectly happy how things are now. And so as tacky and overused as it is the saying that we should "count our blessings" is so true, and by focusing on all the good things in your life it makes it a lot easier to overlook the "bad" things and it's easier for a smile to pop up on your beautiful face.
So the next time you're having one of those "I'm just not feeling the love" moments try remembering all the good things that have happened to you or that are happening to you; and if that still doesn't help to lighten your mood give a stranger a compliment. And I don't just mean say something just for the sake of saying something, I mean give a genuine compliment to someone, because just by giving that someone a compliment you may just end up making their day. And when you see that change happen in someone, where their confidence goes up, or their day has just been made a little better you will feel oh so warm in fuzzy inside. Trust me, that's one of the reasons I work in retail...because let me tell you I hate having to sell stuff to people. If you've ever experienced a pushy salesperson I apologize!! I hate doing that to people and I myself feel so uncomfortable doing it, I just honestly love helping people and when I can do that (even if it means sending them to another store and losing out on a sale commission) I've done my job. It's genuine interactions between people that really leave you with the feeling that you've done something to make that person's day more positive, and when you spread positive energy you get it back twofold.
Some people like to keep gratitude journals where they keep track of things that they're grateful for everyday, knowing me I'd skip days or even weeks, so I just prefer to share my thoughts here. And it doesn't matter whether people will or will not read this, because I'm not writing this blog in order to have thousands or millions of readers, I'm just writing so that I can post my thoughts somewhere....and if someone happens to come across this blog I hope that you can take something away from it. And so with that, dear reader, whomever you may be, I leave you. Until next time!