Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm so freakin excited!

ok pplz update with the story, i'm still working on the first chapter, i'd say i have about half of want i want it to be planned out and then i just have to figure out dialogue and stuff. but i can say today i had AMAZING inspiration in the car when i heard a song, and i just started writing this really cool sequence of events and stuff! but that won't come out till like middle or late into the story, but now i have an idea of some of the events that has to happen =] so um...yeah, i think i'll have some bio's soon of the chracters, but no guarantees, i don't know yet if i want you guys to know too much about the characters. so um....yeah...hehe


kt. Ryn said...

finish it and post it sooN! ah!

Dat-One-AsiAn said...

haha! i'm done! i'm gonna post it when i get to your house later.