Friday, September 25, 2009


Well, so I started a new facebook today, and let's just say i discovered one of the things I was dreading finally came true....It really hurt at first just to see it, but I guess I'm okay now, don't know like if this 'heartache' will come back anytime soon, but let's hope not.


fake stephen said...


Danielle said...

it'll be okay cc!! remember it's just not the most important thing right'll survive :) i'm sure you will.

Dat-One-AsiAn said...

yea, i'm starting to think so too.

lol stephen don't worry about it, it was kinda meant to be a girls' post anyway ;P

Danielle said...

see, i told you that'd you'd be okay! :D

Danielle said...


Dat-One-AsiAn said...

haha dani, yea yea, i guess you can be called 'half' asian now lol ;P