Why do we have them? What purpose do they serve? Is it a sign of weakness? Why is it that every time they accompany pain?...
What is this feeling that i have in my chest? Doesn't the saying go 'all wounds will heal with time'? Why aren't mine healing? Why do they keep rising up from deep in my heart? Why can't i get rid f this feeling? Why does it keep coming back to plague me? i just can't understand.....i don't understand.....why? Why is life like this? Every time when you think things are good, why do they have to take a turn for the worse? Why is life filled with ups and downs? Why does every fall have to hurt worse than the last? The wounds just seem to get deeper and deeper with every fall, while i just can't seem to get back up. Everything is stacking up, until eventually it all has to fall......when that time comes....will someone be there to save me?.....or is this all just a part of a never ending nightmare?
....i'll be fine, one day, all of the wounds will heal, and hopefully i'll finally be able to step forward....free from all of this....i just hope this day will come soon...
it's okay cc. :) It really is.
i have days just like this; you know that. I think we all do.
Just know that there's always a silver lining, and there's always people there for you. Friends, familly--we all care about you, and later, when you remember these kind of days, you'll know that things weren't really too terrible, and things always got better. :)
Cuz they do. :)
Love you cc!
If you ever need to talk, you know I'm here cc! :)
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