Tuesday, February 22, 2011

*sigh*..the life of a teen

How many ups && downs can one teen go through? That answer is apparently infinite, neither is there a set number of times in a day...:/ but hey I'm sure everyone loves stress, drama, emotions going hay-wire, slaps to the face (figuratively speaking), & whatever else happens to be thrown at you right?..WRONG!! I would give almost anything to avoid stuff like that, but somehow it always finds a way to weave itself into our lives, like a stealthy EVIL ninja...haha but everyone knows that I'm the most awesomest ninja out there ;P. But any-whoo all downs have to change direction eventually right?...RIGHT! :) As the wise people say, we wouldn't know the values of our ups without our downs. So in the meantime everyone else out there having a rough time, hang in there the rough times will pass :).

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