Why do we have them? What purpose do they serve? Is it a sign of weakness? Why is it that every time they accompany pain?...
What is this feeling that i have in my chest? Doesn't the saying go 'all wounds will heal with time'? Why aren't mine healing? Why do they keep rising up from deep in my heart? Why can't i get rid f this feeling? Why does it keep coming back to plague me? i just can't understand.....i don't understand.....why? Why is life like this? Every time when you think things are good, why do they have to take a turn for the worse? Why is life filled with ups and downs? Why does every fall have to hurt worse than the last? The wounds just seem to get deeper and deeper with every fall, while i just can't seem to get back up. Everything is stacking up, until eventually it all has to fall......when that time comes....will someone be there to save me?.....or is this all just a part of a never ending nightmare?
....i'll be fine, one day, all of the wounds will heal, and hopefully i'll finally be able to step forward....free from all of this....i just hope this day will come soon...
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
HaPpY && CoNtEnT ;P
Hi peeps!!!! so it's the long weekend, and i wanted to do something over it....so i was thinking for the girls if you guys wanted to do a workout??? Then if we don't do that we can always get together and watch a movie, hang out, w/e. But let's do something, i don't wanna spend the next 4 days alone!!!! well i have family, but that doesn't count, i see them everyday.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Well, so I started a new facebook today, and let's just say i discovered one of the things I was dreading finally came true....It really hurt at first just to see it, but I guess I'm okay now, don't know like if this 'heartache' will come back anytime soon, but let's hope not.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I HATE my F*ing neighbor....(Warning there will be blurbed swear words like this--->B***ch etc.)
Oh my GOSH!!! I hate my neighbor right now, they're new to the neighborhood and at first I thought they were okay, with the exception that the parents always let their three boys do whatever they wanted in the neighborhood. Well I've had it with them!!!! Especially the woman that lives there. So I'm sure I told you all about how I had a kitten now, a freaking cute little black calico, with white paws and some white on the face, well my neighbors said they had taken in the mom and the four kittens. Then a few days ago my brother and I start to see the kittens and furball-the mom cat- out almost every night, so we figured they weren't taking care of the cats anymore. So we took in the little calico, and its was all cute and everything. But today I come home and find out that the friggin B***ch came over and just took the kitten!!!! Just like that, she walked into OUR garage, without asking, and just takes him!!! She said she wanted that we were 'trapping' her kitten and she wanted him back becuz he was the CUTEST one, her favorite!!! O.O WHO flippin does that!?!?!?!?!?!?!? And we have this metal shed in the backyard that the kittens like to get into, and stay in, well while she's over here she tells US the keep OUR doors closed so as not to TEMPT HER kittens into going inside!!!!!!!! O.O Like seriously!!! I've never seen anyone so freaking egotistic, 'Do this, do that, oh by the way, I'm taking my kitten back while it's in your garage'Ugh friggin B***ch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only time I've openly called someone a B***ch and not feel sorry about it is now, I don't care if that was the cutest kitten in the litter, you DO NOT just come onto our property and take it. Oh and she said she had a room in their basement to keep all the kittens, well then why the heck are we seeing them every night!?!?!?!?!? Gosh, it makes me sooooooo mad, oh and my mom said that she also took one of our yellow squashes without asking!!! My mom said, "Well it's on her property." Yeah well guess what I said..."Bulls**t!!! If she can come and just take a kitten from OUR property, we have every right not to let her take any of our crops on HER side. PLUS it's not even the first time they've just walked into our back yard, I mean seriously I just want to go and smack her right now! I don't think I've ever been this mad at ANYONE before, seriously man!!!!!!! UGH!!!! And my grandma said that when she took the kitten, it ran away from her!!! I think that's enough of a sign that the kitten doesn't want to go with her! And just left two kittens in our shed, like seriously, if you say you've taken in all the kittens and the cat, you don't just take the 'cutest' one. Gosh!!!!!!!! She makes me so mad right now, she freaking made me swear!! Like it's pretty hard to get me to swear when I'm just talking, no, she makes it VERY easy! I swore that if I see any of the kittens, which two are in my shed, I will not, WILL NOT, give them back to her. There's no excuse as to why those kittens keep coming to our shed, when she "has a room in the basement" for them........GRRRRRR makes me sooooo f***ing MAD!!!!!
The only time I've openly called someone a B***ch and not feel sorry about it is now, I don't care if that was the cutest kitten in the litter, you DO NOT just come onto our property and take it. Oh and she said she had a room in their basement to keep all the kittens, well then why the heck are we seeing them every night!?!?!?!?!? Gosh, it makes me sooooooo mad, oh and my mom said that she also took one of our yellow squashes without asking!!! My mom said, "Well it's on her property." Yeah well guess what I said..."Bulls**t!!! If she can come and just take a kitten from OUR property, we have every right not to let her take any of our crops on HER side. PLUS it's not even the first time they've just walked into our back yard, I mean seriously I just want to go and smack her right now! I don't think I've ever been this mad at ANYONE before, seriously man!!!!!!! UGH!!!! And my grandma said that when she took the kitten, it ran away from her!!! I think that's enough of a sign that the kitten doesn't want to go with her! And just left two kittens in our shed, like seriously, if you say you've taken in all the kittens and the cat, you don't just take the 'cutest' one. Gosh!!!!!!!! She makes me so mad right now, she freaking made me swear!! Like it's pretty hard to get me to swear when I'm just talking, no, she makes it VERY easy! I swore that if I see any of the kittens, which two are in my shed, I will not, WILL NOT, give them back to her. There's no excuse as to why those kittens keep coming to our shed, when she "has a room in the basement" for them........GRRRRRR makes me sooooo f***ing MAD!!!!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
DBSK questions, comments, & concerns
Anything that you don't understand, or want to know about the DBSK law suit or their troubles with SM Entertainment, feel free to ask/post here. I will try and answer them the best I can, and if I don't know the answer, then I will look it up and let you know.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Okay, so yes it's been very, very, very long......i have a ton of work to do right now, but i'm gonna try and workin between breaks and get everything updated, changed, um...and anything that need to be fixed i guess.... um.. that last poll about the tattoos was a um semi correct....whoever put JJ and Yoochun were correct....so the other vote was wrong, but i'll give it to you i guess. ;P just cuz i'm nice like that, ok this next poll is a DEAD give away, i'm too lazy, tired, piled up in work, stressed, to care to think of a good question right now so yeah you guys get an easy week with that. Poll update wise, this is poll question # 8, so after this one you guys have two more before i wanna do a workout....or maybe we'll change it to something else idk. But yeah that's about it, um....there should be all new songs on the playlist hopefully by tomorrow if i don't get around to it, then i will definitely work on it this weekend :).
Monday, August 24, 2009
Hehe i'm finally back online!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully for a LONG time this time ;P *knock on wood* So anywayz the last poll you all got it wrong, but don't worry this next one is SUPER DUPER easy!!!!!! So yea, everyone ready for school to start??? I have a TON of updating to do on my page, so.....yea lol it'll be a while before it's all spik and span again.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Just call me DEAD!!!!!
Oh my heavens!!!!! I am sooooo freaking out of shape!!!!!! It's only the first day, and I'm DEAD! Like literally, my body is aching all over, I don't think I've ever been this tired/hurting EVER!!!!! Okay, maybe there have been worse times, but this definately is not fun!!! >< id="SPELLING_ERROR_0" class="blsp-spelling-error">anyone's died because of over exhaustion!!! jk jk jk ^^
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Update/Poll results
hahaha!!!! k so for the results of the last poll......*drum roll* you got it.....RIGHT!!! Not even a single wrong vote this time!!! ;p hehe ok well, this next one is gonna be a brain crusher....becuz I haven't said a single word about this next one!! You're all on your own for this one.......don't hurt yourselves! Okay then for the update, you all know that Saturday's plans for dinner are cancelled, but if you guys still want to hang out let me know, cuz I told Nick I'd let him know if we were going to do anything. So you guys have any ideas?? Horse back riding?? Movie night?? Game night?? Um...what else is there that we can do??? Anyone?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Any takers???
Hey ppls ^.^ Don't worry this isn't anything related to working out or quizzes or squat so relax hehe....half of you guys probably just had a sigh of relief come out of your mouthes haha! But N-E ways i was wondering if any of you would want to do a dinner.....like say in like two weeks. I was thinking the 25th which a saturday....or later depends. I want to know because i want it to be a dinner where we all just bring something to eat...and i have a little surprise stored in mind, i want to try and make sushi!!! I got a new recipe book just for it! Just the simple/basic stuff, like cali rolls, the egg one...idk how to spell it, and also the book has some veggie ones too. So i wanted to try and make them, but i need time to find all the stuff needed to make it so i need to know ahead of time if we can do it, and when. As long as it's not before the 25th then it should be fine, i was thinking of doing it at cami and kt's, and everyone bring a dish....whether it be like a family recipe or like dessert or something...but plz no store bought stuff, that kinda defeats the purpose... ;P So do you guys wanna do it??
Monday, July 13, 2009
Oh so lucky!
Wow, you guys got close on that one.....hehe anywayz for the person who put 2 yrs.......you're wrong! The person who put 5 yrs.......you so good!!! But that's not right hehe, the two ppl who put 4 yrs were correct! ;] So I guess I'll count that one as a pass, since two ppl voted for one. Okay that's poll number 3, 4 is now up....good luck! =P
Okay just so that we save some time....once there are se7en votes on the poll, i'll close it and put up a new question....this way it doesn't take too long hehe
Okay just so that we save some time....once there are se7en votes on the poll, i'll close it and put up a new question....this way it doesn't take too long hehe
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Haha, well this time it seems like the question was easier no? O.o Hehe well for those of you that answered 'His stage presence' you were correct! & as for the ONE person who answered his entrance.....you were sadly the only one wrong....who was it???? Hm....??? lol Well anywayz since you've already answered so many times, I'm just gonna post a new one, this one is gonna be a challenger since the last one had an answer for you! ;P
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Poll results!
Ha! Haha! Everyone who voted on the poll was wrong! My favorite person in the It's You MV is............ta-da Sungmin! So you ALL failed the quiz! muwahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!! Ok I just got a good idea! How about we play a little game eh?? So you all know how I was thinking about doing a warm up right?? Well let's play a little game with that, I'll post up multiple polls, and depending on how many answers you ppl get right, means how much easier I'll go on you guys hehe sounds good??? Ok, so you're first question was WRONG!!! So this means that you're not really on a very good track muwahahaha!!!I'll post a total of 10 olls, this being the first...9 more to come! And I'll bet you they will not be easy!!!! They'll be very specific....=P Good Luck!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Who saw it!!!!!???

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Hey you guys up for it??
Hey ppls, this is mostly to those of you who have done this before....but how many of you guys would want to do a workout soon?? I'm dying to do one, but it's boring alone ;] So how many of you guys would want to do one?? Date still undecided, but hopefully sometime this week, so what do you say?
Monday, June 15, 2009
Hey sry guys!
Haha well, yeah if you guys haven't been able to figure this out yet, I haven't been online much these past few months....;P it's a mix of I don't have time, with company stuff starting, and I've been busy with other things, and I don't feel a huge need to get that often. So yeah I hope I'll get on some other time this week and hopefully I'll update a whole ton of stuff, I'm still trying to get the two chapters of Legends done so kt can post them, only sad thing is since we had to reboot my comp I have to put the microsoft software back onto the comp, and I don't know where the software is for that -.- so depending on when I find that determines when I'll get the chapters finished. and I'll update my music too hehe =] So anywayz how's everyones' summer goin for them? Hopefully we'll have the "summer festival" planned out soon, um..... but judging from recent events we might have to be very very flexible with that so uh....yea, I think that explains everything that I needed to catch up on. Well that's it for now! Everyone have a fun and safe summer! Till next time! ;]
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sick yet still busy
Well, now that the busy week is behind I'm sick......eh. Some good news to start off with is Jordan High"s Orchestra along with Alta High qualified for State Festival!! Which now means all of Jordan's musical groups have passed region with straight ones (which is a perfect score). Secondly Dance Co.'s concert showcase also went very well, ending on a great note. Now let's just hope tryouts go as well....Don't forget all the homework we have and all the stuff still to come....whooo hooo! >-> word of advice, don't get sick, it ain't fun!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
well, i'm off to vegas so the rest of you can have fun here in good ol UTAH!! ;] hehe if anyone wants souvenirs just text me and i'll see what i can find for you!!! Have a nice spring break everyone!!!
Monday, April 6, 2009
AP review!!!
Hey all of you pplz don't forget we have AP review tomorrow morning at 7!!!!! I can't wait to see you all bright eyed and bushy tailed!!!! =P
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Off to Seattle!!!!!
Hahahaa!!!! for all of you ppl who are stuck here......have fun! =P we'll try to remember you when we're cruising....literally. Want a souvenir?? hehe well, just text me then and We'll see what we can find for ya'll. Well as for legends, I'm working on the sixth chapter and the special so....yeah those should come out one after another, so yeah we'll be thinking of you!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Okay well, I guess you guys get another lucky break, cuz Katie and I are going to see a ballet. So that means that your assignment will be put off until next week, lol so I guess that's either a good thing or bad one right?? This time please work on it, and keep it in mind i want to see some dances next week, everyone got that?? =P
Monday, February 16, 2009
What's happening?? you ask?
Okay, i'm back from a hectic week. I hopefully will be getting started on Legends again, the poll results were in Kenri's favor so his bio will be the next one up! Weekly Top 10 was edited, sry last week it didn't change at all -.-. I will also be starting something new with the Weekly Top 10, I'm going to start a poll and see what songs you ppl like best so be sure to check for that. This week is a short week, starting on a B day, and by that i mean it's a B day not an A day, so don't ask who's b-day it is (eh-hem kt...lol). So yeah that's the quick update on things i'll keep you posted on new things happening.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Read this!!!!!!!!!!!
hey reminder to all you peeps out there in Winward's ap history class, we have a quiz tomorrow in is class on the reading packet so read it!!!!!!!! =P
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
okay well, um....chapter 5 is still under some work i'm hoping i can get it up by the end of this week. =] and also the song of the day has been updated so listen to it!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Ready for school?
All you people ready for school??? Make sure you do all your homework (i.e. Pettey's stuff, gym stuff, Winward's stuff, any math stuff (if we even had any) and yea you get my point.) Sleep early and I'll see you bright and early! Tomorrow is a B day p.s.! =] Oh one last thing, all the orchestra ppl payments are also due tomrrow!
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